Joel was captivating, entertaining, and inspirational.

“His motivational messages and crowd-pleasing interaction was just what we needed to make the event a success.” - Darrell Starkweather, VP, Ambit Energy



At the heart of Joel Zeff's transformative message lies the simple yet profound concept of TA DA! This celebratory exclamation is more than just a playful phrase – it's a powerful tool for fostering positivity, recognition, and motivation in the workplace.

When teams embrace the TA DA moment, they learn to acknowledge and celebrate small victories, creating a culture of appreciation and support. This practice not only boosts morale but also enhances productivity, creativity, and collaboration.

Building on this foundation of positivity, Joel's message delves deeper into navigating the challenges of modern work life.

He emphasizes the importance of adaptability in the face of change and disruption, encouraging individuals to stay "in the moment" and remain flexible.

His approach to teamwork centers on a simple yet powerful question: "How do I help the people around me be successful?"

This mindset, combined with effective communication skills, fosters a collaborative environment where innovation thrives.

"Our attendees had never laughed so hard at a meeting! ”

Joel’s Signature Keynote

The TA DA of Teamwork

Succeeding During Change and Disruption

We are all improvising. We face challenges, disruption, change, and obstacles without a script or rehearsal. To find success, we need to work together, build trust, and create opportunity. During this session, Joel will discuss how the tenets of improvisation create successful teams during change and disruption.

Joel has spent the past 30 years performing and teaching the lessons of improvisation. This interactive, engaging and hilarious session will focus on staying in the game; facing fear; building trust, and asking the important question, “How do I help the people around me be successful?” Joel will also bring his famous TA DA energy as he discusses the importance of opportunity, positive support, and active listening in collaboration. Yes, you will have fun and laugh during this session. You will also learn how to collaborate more successfully as a team, and navigate change. Are you ready for the TA DA?

This session will focus on:

  1. Creating opportunity and positive support for your team.

  2. Making the choice to “be in the moment.”

  3. How to Stay in the Game when faced with challenges, change and disruption.

  4. Thrive during change by making the choice to be prepared and open and flexible.

  5. Fueling your passion and reducing stress.

  6. Collaboration: how we help each other find success.

but will gain practical, immediately applicable strategies to transform their work environment!

Your attendees will not only laugh until their sides ache,

Joel’s Trusted Clients

Unleash the Power of TA DA And Redefine Your Team's Success!

Your team energized, unified, and equipped with a new perspective on success.

Joel’s Keynote On Transforming Work Culture

The Spirit of TA DA

Watch What Happens When Work Becomes Play

How do your employees and managers embrace the Spirit of TA DA? We all must take ownership of our work environment and create a foundation of opportunity and positive support. We can choose to be patient, supportive, and more flexible to change. We can choose to have fun in the workplace and still be productive. Joel teaches us just how easy it is to make these choices.

In The Spirit of TA DA, Joel shares his experience and insight on creativity, communication, teamwork, passion, and fun. With wit, a sharp observational eye, and playful irreverence, he discusses the choices we all encounter in our careers. We each have the ability to take initiative and make the right choice to live a more creative, passionate, effective, and productive life.

He connects to his audience with humor that has them laughing so uncontrollably that their mascara runs, their cheeks hurt, and their bellies ache.

And he doesn't do it alone. Volunteers from the audience join him on stage and play an integral role in an improvisation game in front of hundreds or thousands of people—something the audience members have never done. He expects nothing less than their success. He expects the volunteers to focus and work together as a team; communicate effectively; positively support each other; and take responsibility.

Joel makes his audience laugh so hard that they forget about the corporate nonsense of conference calls, "strategic deliverables," PowerPoint presentations with upside-down triangles, or "paradigm shifts in a cross-functional organization." Yes, Joel will make you laugh, but he'll also make you think. This presentation delivers a combination of inspiration, essential business knowledge, and significant ideas to help audience members reconnect with their own passion, creativity, and success. 

Seven Lessons Learned:

  1. Learn to celebrate work and create a positive environment.

  2. Learn to improve teamwork and help all partners find success.

  3. Learn the three keys to leading through change: be prepared; be focused; be open and flexible.

  4. Learn the key to success: staying in the game and keeping your passion.

  5. Learn to promote ownership and accountability.

  6. Learn to encourage innovation by creating opportunity.

  7. Learn to enhance communication.

Our folks are still talking about him months later. One of the best speakers we have ever had!

Joel was the perfect speaker for our team!

The TA DA of Change

Joel’s Keynote On Leading Through Change

Leading Teams during Change with Passion and Success

Change and disruption are constant. Your teams must navigate the chaos and disruption to find success. Too often, we become stressed, frustrated and impatient. Improvisation is finding success during that constant change, chaos and disruption. How do managers continue to motivate and energize employees during difficult times? Managers must help employees stay in the game; work in the moment; and take ownership of their happiness.

Joel leads the audience through a series of exercises that demonstrates how easy it is to continue working creatively, effectively and productively while dealing with change. Improvisation teaches us to embrace change. Joel will focus on the key choices that improvisation teaches us: be prepared for change; be open and flexible to change; be present and in the moment with change.

In improvisation, there is no script, no plan and no rehearsal. Joel focuses on the famous TA DA spirit of creating positive support and opportunity during change. Just as important, managers must allow employees to create ownership. Ownership and responsibility will allow the employee to care. And once the employee starts to care, the next step is passion.

Change happens. We can either be open and flexible to it or let it steamroll us. Most change is completely out of our control. We only control how we react to change. We choose our attitude. We choose to stay in the game. We chose to be positive and supportive.

The session will focus on: 

  1. Embracing change and finding success.

  2. Creating opportunity to lead change.

  3. Being open and flexible to change; being prepared for change; being in the moment during change.

  4. Making the right choices to be an effective leader during change

  5. Asking the most important question of a leader: How do I help the people around me be successful?


Joel is an incredible speaker and blew our community away with his humorous approach to leadership challenges. Attendees were busting out in belly laughs, all while gaining important insights and practical takeaways!

Key Takeaways From Joel’s Keynotes:

Learn to celebrate small wins and everyday successes, creating a positive atmosphere that motivates, inspires, and keeps team members deeply invested in their work and the organization's mission.

Boost Morale and Engagement

Discover how a supportive environment encourages risk-taking, out-of-the-box thinking, and the free flow of ideas, leading to breakthrough solutions and a competitive edge in your industry.

Enhance Creativity and Innovation

Foster a culture of mutual support, appreciation, and trust, leading to stronger collaboration, more effective communication, and a harmonious workplace where diverse talents thrive together.

Improve Team Dynamics

Develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks with a positive attitude, renewed energy, and a growth mindset, turning challenges into opportunities for learning and improvement.

Increase Resilience

Understand and leverage the direct link between workplace positivity and increased output, creating a high-performance environment where efficiency and quality naturally flourish.

Drive Productivity

Joel’s Virtual Keynote Transforming Work Culture

The Spirit of TA DA

A Virtual Experience of Fun, Energy, and Passion

Get ready for a virtual experience like no other! Joel Zeff brings his trademark energy, humor, and inspirational message directly to your team, no matter where they are located.

Joel will transform your virtual gathering into an engaging, interactive, and unforgettable event that will have your team laughing, learning, and feeling more connected than ever before.

Drawing on his years of experience in improv comedy and corporate training, Joel will guide your team through fun, participatory exercises that demonstrate the power of positivity, teamwork, and embracing change.

By the end of this Joel’s virtual session, your team will be energized, motivated, and armed with practical tools to bring more TA DA moments into their work and lives. Get ready to laugh, learn, and rediscover the excitement that comes from truly enjoying what you do!

Joel brought a ton of energy to our virtual event!

He was a huge help in the planning process as well! His message aligned with our organization, which was evident from the lasting impact it had on our team members.

Joel is the breath of fresh air every organization needs!

Joel has presented to my company for 10+ years and each time, he has a way of infusing humor into daily challenges we all have with leading team to success.


Joel Zeff is a force of nature, a catalyst for change, and a master of turning mundane corporate events into unforgettable experiences. With a unique blend of improvisational comedy, business acumen, and contagious enthusiasm, Joel has been electrifying audiences across the nation for over two decades.

His career is a search for fun and passion. He quickly realized the importance of both at his first jobs delivering the hometown newspaper and cleaning up trash at a suburban movie theater. 

He started his professional career as a newspaper journalist and public relations executive. In 1994, Joel went out on his own as a corporate communications specialist. He helped clients with their internal communications, media relations, strategy, and customer marketing.

Throughout the consulting process, Joel realized his clients -- many of them high level technology and telecommunications firms -- needed more than marketing and public relations strategy. Many of his clients' employees were starving for fun, passion, and a new perspective on finding success. 

At the time, Joel was having fun on the weekends as a comedian. Through friends, he discovered improvisational comedy. One of his clients (a large technology company) knew Joel performed comedy on the weekends. The client invited him to entertain and speak to a group of executives before dinner. A corporate speaking career was born. 

Joel's secret weapon? The power of TA DA! This simple yet profound concept is at the heart of his message, encouraging individuals and organizations to celebrate everyday successes, foster a culture of positive support, and unlock their full potential for collaboration, innovation, and productivity.